Friendly Driving school in Preston is recommended

For Driving lessons in Preston from this Preston Driving schools registered Preston Driving instructor

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Iyad found a friendly Driving school in Preston
when he came to Driving Passion

I have enjoyed my driving lessons experience at Driving Passion Driving School. The Driving instructor was spot on in providing driving skills.

An excellent friendly Driving instructor and a friendly atmosphere in addition to suitable timings. I had work commitments and was only able to take late Driving lessons.

I would strongly recommend Driving Passion Driving School.

Iyad and this Friendly Driving school in Preston
More of our Preston Driving schools pupils have recommended us here

Iyad was a model pupil. He listened carefully and questioned when he did not understand. The most important thing when learning to drive is to understand why things are done in a certain way. Iyad quickly took this on board and was soon into his stride.

Well done Iyad

You achieved an excellent standard of safe driving with less than the average number of Driving lessons.

Paul - The Driving Instructor from the friendly Driving school in Preston - Driving Passion

0800 011 22 02


Mobile phone
077 929 44 568

Contact name
Paul Higson
E-mail Driving Passion the friendly Driving school in Preston

This friendly Driving School in Preston is run by a local Preston Driving instructor.